
wanna win in business?

You, my friend, are meant to shine!

Once you embody your gifts, you realize just how profitable it is to be yourself.

i see you deeply.

You have a specific way of operating. You are here to serve your clients in the only way you can. But you can’t do it if you are constantly living by someone else’s rules.

Hello there. I’m Renee, Owner and Mastermind of Fresh Life Marketing

Provide value always.

When you give and share your knowledge while asking for nothing in return you instantly shoot to the top of the trust totem pole and in the long run always win.

Give your content a longer lifespan.

And how do you do this? Through content.  You focus on creating valuable, informative content that helps people. And the more places you put it, the MORE PEOPLE you can help! (Hello, brand authority and loyalty!) Repurposing simply gives your creative content a longer lifespan than good old Instagram that gives you a whole 10 seconds.


Our Story

The slice on how Fresh Life Marketing came to be


After working with hundreds of entrepreneurs creating, and repurposing their content, I noticed one huge missing link.

Whenever I would get on calls with them, they sounded NOTHING like their content. It led me to ask the question: “why aren’t you sharing this version of yourself with the world?”

Only to be met with “I have to be professional,” “this marketer told me I have to be strategic, and play it safe” “I can’t ruffle feathers” “I have to be consistent”

To which I finally said “FUCK THAT”

It was at that moment I knew where the problem was for entrepreneurs…

They were creating and also paying me to repurpose content that was missing the most valuable part! THEM.

I just couldn’t sit back and let them continue doing what wasn’t working and beat themselves up and give into the story of “maybe I am just not meant for this”


The reason you weren’t lit up by your content and (neither were your fractal family) isn’t because you suck or aren’t meant to do this. It’s because you are trying to follow someone elses map.

Once you have your own map it freaking works. All of a sudden your content hits, you are lit the heck up over everything you put out and create.


Your fractal family literally comes running because you finally spoke in a frequency that they were ready to hear!


You are here to be unique and stand out and shine like no one else on this planet!!

You just have to break free from using someone else’s map.

Human design changed the freakin game for me. For the first time I was introduced to my truth.

I was able to see that all things I was spending so much time and energy hiding were actually my superpowers. I went from feeling icky about sales. Stressed about my marketing strategy, to operating on what felt right in my body and selling out services that I didn’t even launch yet!

You are here to create something so unique in the only way you can.

When you embody your natural gifts and share them with the world in a way that feels right to you, magic happens.

You can’t fake energy friends, and when you tie your human design gifts, way of operating into your content, your world will never be the same.


What people are saying

“You deliver an incredible product that not only saves me time, but shows my previous content in a whole new light.”

— Amanda


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If you’re ready to stop living by someone else’s map and ready to follow your own, lets hop on a call!

Together we can create an aligned marketing strategy that honors the way you operate. Create content that lights your soul on fire and ignites the excitement in the people you are here to help!

I’m here to help!


Hosting an event or podcast?

Bring Renee to your event to speak about all things marketing!

All the juicy details.