How I Created My Services Using Gene Keys Series!

Welcome to the “How I created my services using Gene Keys” series! As you know, I am OBSESSED with Human Design and Gene Keys. They did, after all, completely change my life and business. Oh, the way they changed my business, I can’t even begin to describe!

It kinda feels like someone had a camera on you your entire life, watching your every move, every thought, and insecurity, and then they come clean when you’re older, saying, “this is why you did all those things.” And you just stand there like, “freakin really, why the hell didn’t you tell me this sooner!!”

So now let’s get into the good stuff. The meat and taters’ of how I created the Fresh Life 365 Accountability group service offering!

First, I am a people person. All my previous jobs have been based around serving people. I was a hair stylist, a spray tanner, and an educator for beauty conventions. Pretty much anything that had to do with serving people, I did it.

Which is still the base of all my current services. Currently, I offer a 1:1 Immersion that is honestly my favorite thing in the whole world to do! It is me and my client working together for 2 days, chatting all about how they are meant to operate, their strengths, and gifts, it's pretty awesome if I don’t say so myself.

Due to the depth of the work I do in the Immersions, I am limited to how many I can take on a month. Yes, I do everything for my clients in the Immersions, it is super close-knit. So when I didn’t have an Immersion client to give all my powerful Projector energy to, I would turn it inward, which is a huge no-no for me.

It started to manifest as me starting to pick apart every little thing in my business, second-guessing all my work. I would do random things that made no sense, like trying to force new ideas to come in, fixate on tasks or things to do that were pointless just to relieve the pressure I felt, and would then end my days filled with anxiety and negative self-talk.

My energy is so powerful plus paired with my defined Head and Ajna, it is literally the worst for me to do. My yummy goodness is here to serve others, not myself. The not-self theme of both my defined Head and Ajna centers manifest as anxiety, fight or flight, and negative thought patterns. The perfect scenario for a depressed, anxiety filled Renee. No bueno!

This is where it hit me. I needed something to keep my mind busy during the times when I wasn’t on calls with Immersion clients.

I needed to figure out a way to give my energy something productive to do, because, honestly, I was driving all my friends nuts Facetimeing them all day trying to give advice.

How could I combat this energy and keep it from controlling my life? I needed to check in with my manual and see what information I could find to help me create a new daily practice to keep my mind from spiraling. (this is why I love having these booklets, you can go right back to them and always find the answer or solution to what you’re struggling with, and they always have some new insight you pick up on depending on what you need help with.)

That’s where the Unconscious Sun Gene Key comes in.

Your Unconscious Sun is what keeps you healthy in life. The Shadow of this Gene Key is like a hidden force that messes with your mojo and can make you feel off-balance and stressed out. When the Shadow is calling the shots, it will throw you off course. This can make you super anxious and always in a rush, like you don't trust that things will work out naturally. 

Umm hello! Everything I was doing! Jackpot!

So I deep dived and read through my Shadow. I instantly saw how this was playing out in my life.

The Shadow is Half- heartedness, which says: 

The secret to all commitment lies in the way in which you begin. It is the energy behind your actions that creates your future rather than the action themselves. Whichhhh I say this all the time on my stories and with clients “always ask yourself what the energy is behind the action you are going to take.” There is nothing worth doing in life unless it is done with absolute commitment. In a nutshell, when you enter into something half-heartedly, you invite misery into your life (anxiety and pressure for me). This Shadow in particular keeps humans repeating the same patterns. Half-heartedness is about giving up at the first sign of discomfort and is rooted in a deep, un-embraced fear. With half-heartedness, you are constantly wondering if you made the right decision. 

Again, this is exactly what I was doing!! Deep down in my unconscious mind, I was doubting my commitment and my decisions. No wonder I was going crazy. I picture a dating relationship where the dude is like “we’re serious” then the next minute “I’m not ready for anything serious” then the next minute “want to be my girlfriend?”

This leads me to the Gift of Commitment. Which says:

The Gift is not subject to the pressures of conditioning and expectation from others, but opens into a deep connection to the direction of the life force within. The only real commitment is the commitment to your own inner guidance in the now. People with this Gift are exceedingly lucky people. Their clear, committed decisions create the conditions for their own good fortune. To commit is also to surrender. This can be especially true in business, prosperity is directly linked to clear commitment- IN YOUR DAILY WORK AND ACTIONS. 

OKAAYYY, universe I see you.

Instead of sitting around doubting whether or not my big goals and dreams are really the right decision, I simply have to commit to myself that I will show up day in and day out and surrender to my daily actions in every moment. The magic is in the daily work!!!

Side note: I also have the Community channel in my chart, which means I am designed to bring a feeling of community to all that I do! Being in connection with others truly fulfills me. I need to create a feeling of community to everything I do! (these are other valuable sources I use to create services, and we cover this in your Immersion and booklet!)

BOOM that is where Fresh Life 365 Accountability group was born. I actually got the name and tagline after a meditation…it was so cool it dropped in like, “Fresh Life 365, start your day the fresh way.” It was off to the races!

Fresh Life 365 is built on Mind, Body Soul daily practices. This emphasizes the daily commitment to self-improvement and encourages people to start their day with positive, productive actions that will benefit their overall well-being. And commit to their daily actions and surrender to their decisions in the moment. Plus, with a high vibe community aspect, you are more motivated and excited to show up for yourself!

After the first call, I was so energized I legit felt like I was given 10 Red Bulls. I felt like the dark cloud of stress and anxiety was lifted, and my life force energy was back to kickin major ass! 

That is what is so powerful with this work. You are constantly going to revisit and break through your old conditioning and your Shadow traits. But when you have the guidance you need, you can get through it so much quicker and actually enjoy going through it because you can trust that a huge breakthrough is coming!

If you would like to join the next round of the Fresh Life 365 Accountability group where I walk you through this exact process, showing you what keeps you healthy and what daily practice you can incorporate to increase your breakthroughs and sanity. Along with daily practice ideas, a supportive high-vibe group, and more!

We start in August with only 5 spots available! I like to keep it high and tight! So do not wait. They will sell out fast! Click here to save your spot!

ps: stay tuned for more blog posts in this series!


How To Stop Waiting For The Certification To Charge Your Worth.