I was hiding behind Human Design.

As I was sitting here on the zen den couch, I was rereading my Immersion PDF (yes, I have the same one I create for my clients, I live this shit, not just sell it), and I got to what I am meant to learn in this lifetime.

And what do you know, the freakin first sentence called me out so hard I might have stopped breathing for a quick sec. I was so offended.

The first line read this: You are not like other people and cannot measure yourself against them. You are a free spirit and you must never let your self-doubt take that away. 

Well, shit. I’ve been doing that for months! How the heck did I miss this?! Well, friends, that’s how sneaky compromise is. She swoops in like the ninja she is and makes subtle shifts until your spirit is chipped away so far that you get mad at a piece of paper for calling you out.

Self-doubt becomes your new normal.

You see, I was hiding behind the label of Human Design out of fear that no one was going to trust my unique perspective.

No one was going to hand me money to hear my particular thoughts on what this whole game of life is really about.

Or how I saw right away that Human Design was only half of the puzzle and I knew there was pure gold in this other side that no one was tapping into.

Or the fact that if we all knew how to tap into this shit we can finally tell the so-called gurus to kick fucking rocks because we hold the freaking answer key to our own lives!!!! That I am here to help people turn their awareness inwards to create confidence.

I mean, who the hell am I to do all that?

So instead of sharing all of that excitement and craziness of astrology paired with the fact that I am using my soul, spirit guides, and intuition to guide you through this massive transformation of not only your marketing but your entire outlook on life, and business…

I decided to cover it up with a giant lit-up billboard and slapped a “Human Design” bumper sticker on it and called it a day. And the funniest part is Human Design is only maybe about 2% of my entire Immersion experience. Once I tell you how you operate, we jump right into the good shit of really what makes you, YOU. Human Design is just the gateway drug.

The Gene Keys is just the map that is yours to begin with. It just takes a guide to make sense of it all and deliver it to you in the most practical way possible so you can get on with living it in your daily life. And yes I do so by tapping into this thing called spirit and I tap into your energy field and I also guide you back to you in the coolest way possible. 

So here I am letting my freak flag fly and not hiding behind any titles, or certifications to help you. Take it or leave it!

Take a second and see where you are hiding. Where is your self-doubt running the show in your own life? I encourage you to let your freak flag fly and see how amazing it is to truly be yourself!


How to Use Your Human Design Profile Lines to Your Advantage in Business.


For those who are unconsciously dominated by fear…