Human Design Manifestor Marketing Tips!

The Manifestor is one of the five types in the Human Design System. As a Manifestor, you have a unique energy and strategy for navigating the world and fulfilling your life's purpose.

I have worked with Manifestors, and boy, are you a special unicorn type. As a fellow “no defined sacral homie,” I can relate to how you feel when you blow through your energy and are left drained. This just means your energy is precious and you have to know where the best places to spend it are.

Here are some key characteristics of the Manifestor type:

  1. Energy: Manifestors have a powerful and initiating energy that can be felt by others. This means people know when you walk in the room, it is powerful! The Manifestor can get things done without interacting with other people. Manifestors are the only type designed to initiate action, umm how freaking awesome is that?? This energy is designed to be used in bursts of badassness rather than consistently go go go. Samesies as a Projector.

  2. Strategy: Manifestors have a strategy of informing others before they take action. I see a lot of Manifestors getting hung up on this lil step because their ego tells them that when they “inform” it feels like they are asking for help or permission. Trust me friend, that is not the case. Informing your peeps helps to prevent resistance and allows others to prepare for any changes that may occur as a result of your Manifestor actions.

  3. Autonomy: Manifestors are designed to be independent and autonomous, and as that powerful being that you are, you may feel restricted or frustrated in situations where you are not free to act according to your own impulses. Hello, big energy!

  4. Impact: Manifestors have the ability to create significant impact and change in the world when they are aligned with their authentic self and their life's purpose. When my clients are lit up by what they are doing, their energy is insane and people are literally drawn to them like crazy!

  5. Authority: Like all types in the Human Design System, Manifestors have a unique inner authority that they can use to make decisions. This authority may be emotional, gut-based, or based on intuition, depending on the individual. Most of the Manifestors I have worked with have an emotional authority, so they have emotions that are like waves, high and low, so it is best to sleep on decisions and give yourself time to respond from a neutral space instead of in an emotional high or low. I have this authority, and I kid you not. Sleeping on decisions is the best thing I have ever done!

so to wrap this Manifestor party up!

When it comes to marketing, as a Manifestor, you want to focus on communicating your unique perspective and using your initiating energy to create impactful and innovative content and ideas. Remember, if you have a team or work closely with people, you might want to consider how your actions will impact others and use your strategy of informing to create raving fans and support from your people.

Overall, you are pretty damn amazing as a Manifestor. You can use your unique energy to create marketing campaigns that are bold, innovative, and have the potential to create a significant impact. My advice: Toot that horn, friend, cause you hit the jackpot!

It just so happens that I have an Immersion experience where I tell you exactly what your design is how it relates to your business, along with your unique energetic marketing strategy, content prompts, and a 40 plus page guide to use as a reference for all your marketing and decision making collateral!


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