Business Strategy


Business and Marketing don’t have to feel so loaded.

It only feels forced because you are going against your natural instincts.


here’s the fresh life approach

We start by going within. You can have all the business strategies and fancy marketing in the world, but if you don’t embody or fully believe every single piece of it, IT WON’T HIT.

This Business Strategy session is a done for you in-depth Human Design and Gene Key assessment paired with an interactive video consulting call.

We redefine how you show up in your business and life. We start with your story and your innate strengths and tap into your energetic business strategy. When you build a strategy with YOU as the foundation, suddenly, it doesn’t feel so forced and heavy. Instead, you’re lit up, in the flow, and ready to share what you do and how you do it with anyone who will listen! It’s time to get back to the truth, YOUR TRUTH.


marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you

marketing that feels right for you


What’s included?

This session is broken down into 4 hours over two days and is priced at $4000

Session 1:

Allow me to introduce you, to you. The focus of day 1 is all about getting you out of your mind and into your body. You see firsthand what your energetic business strategy looks like. How you are designed to operate, make decisions, and connect with the world around you. Then we go even deeper and reveal your innate strengths, gifts, and talents (this is where you’re mind blows up) because you can finally see what it is you are here to do so clearly, where you feel so deeply seen. Most people say it feels so foreign yet so familiar at the same time.

Session 2:

Get ready to work! Day 2 is all about implementation. What’s the use of knowing all this amazing information if you don’t know how to apply it? I provide a live content doc jam-packed with content prompts, networking ideas, growth strategy based on your design and gifts. Then I work together alongside you to bounce new ideas, get new insights, and most of all, get your marketing, leadership, and confidence so dialed in that you can’t wait to share it with the world! 

You are walking away with a 40+ page personalized booklet that's a practical roadmap. Specifically created for you to use as a reference point anytime you go to create content, create an offer, network, or anytime you need to be reminded how freaking badass you are! As well as a 1-hour follow-up call to cover any questions, content, or new breakthroughs you need feedback on.


We’ll work together to unlock that magic so you can create the strategy that feels exactly right for you.


This is not a one size fits all strategy filled with tactics and gimmicks that every tom, dick, and sally is using. This is a specific to YOU strategy, starting with how you naturally operate followed by a tag team strategy session to bounce and create ideas to execute your magic! And the best part? You don't have to do anything outside of your natural way of operating.


Helllooo easy, energetic business flow!


Over the course of our two-day, 4 hour session, I take you through a thorough assessment of how your Human Design relates to your business.

Together we will craft a strategic business plan that actually feels good for you!


Your magic is too big to stay hidden

Your unique system and skillset that are already inside your DNA are now the driving force behind your branding and business.

You are meant to shine at something

You came into this earth with a set of skills and a unique way of operating, which also came with a group of people that are waiting for you to use those skills to help them in the only way you can! (more on that later)


Feel like you’ve tried every strategy with little to no results. 

Wishing you had clarity on what you need to say or how to say it?

Wishing you had someone to show you your energetic strategy so you can run your business in a way that feels good to you?

Sick of creating just for the sake of creating, investing in things just for the sake of checking them off the list even though you aren’t getting anything in return? 

Wondering if this is really what you’re made to do? If you’re on the right path or not?

You are getting a detailed map that reintroduces you to YOU.

Content prompts and reframes so you can give awkward, uncomfortable marketing, forced business strategies and self-doubt the heave-ho. 

The best part?

You take every single detail of what makes you You. You use that to grow your business confidently in a way that feels good and show up as the deepest, most fulfilled, confident CEO who’s been screaming to be let out!


What people are saying

This is mind blowing work! You completely redefined the word marketing.

I now know exactly what my strengths are, and how to utilize them as the driving force behind what makes me unique in my industry.

— Jacky Franco


Your soul family is ready for you to take massive action and send the signal that you are ready!

It’s time to utilize the abundant energy you are born with and stop hiding your true self.

The magic you share isn’t about the doing, and you certainly don’t need to continue doing for the sake of doing because that’s what you were told to be successful, especially when you know it’s clearly not working and feels like a foreign language. Ditch everyone else's plan and start leaning into what feels right naturally.

Your success isn’t determined by how much you do, it’s about who you are being when you do it.

Same with your business.

grow the business of your dreams.

You are perfectly equipped to GET PAID FOR DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.

It’s time to let go of force and step into the FLOW. I am giving you the exact map on how to do it.

As a 4/6 emotional projector I see you deeply. My aura is penetrating and I can get right to your nitty gritty and get to work finding the gold. Consider me your own panning-for-gold tour guide that’s going to tell you what is dirt (stuff that’s not worth your energy) and what is pure gold baby!

(The stuff that lights your soul family up and what you’re here to share with the world.)


If you’re compromising anywhere in your content and business…

and let’s be honest we’re all compromising our dreams and highest potential by not showing up as our true selves. And wasting your valuable time and energy on things that aren’t moving the needle.

Then decide today that you are going to do it your way, on your terms and trust your natural instincts.

You want to go bigger.

You want a clear direction.

You have a very distinct purpose and way of operating.

Together we will find it.


Are you ready to plant your flag and say enough is enough?

Are you ready to give what you do a deeper meaning? To show up and stand out in the only way you can? To reintroduce your self to yourself and go back to your natural way of showing up?

Of course, you are! Your magic is too big to stay hidden!


Every human being is born to be a rebel in the sense of filling a space in the world that cannot be duplicated by another.

Your people are ready. Your people (fractal/ soul family) is ready for you to go all in because that gives them the signal that everyone is ready to make some big moves!


What people are saying

The amount of care and thought that you put into the experience before we even started our time together was truly impressive and so appreciated.

It was such the gift of a permission slip to know that this is what I was meant to do - and to feel reassured that it is time to claim it and own it!

— Kristin Svets


Who is this for?

This is for the business owner ready to focus on what provides the biggest return.

Does this sound like you?

  • You want to figure out your competitive edge.

  • You need a second pair of eyes on your content and business.

  • You’ve invested in all the things, but aren’t seeing the results.

  • You don’t have an understanding of your unique gifts.

  • Your process is the same as everyone else’s.

I tell you exactly where to spend your energy in marketing and investments so you can ensure you are getting the highest return.

What if you could solidify the direction you’re headed with complete confidence that you were created specifically for this role? 

And use your actual gifts and purpose that were given to you by design to fullfill your purpose on this earth to stand out amongst the sea of competitors in your industry? To shine in the only way you know how.

To see firsthand how you are meant to operate, how you connect with the world around you, and where to focus your marketing efforts to get you the highest return….(time and money)

To release and embody the gifts that are built inside your DNA to take what you do and how you do it to a whole other level!?


Are you ready to show up and stand out in the only way YOU can?

This Human-Designed centered intensive is priced at $4000 and takes place in

4 hours spread over 2 days.

other services

Get a more extended experience to go at your own pace.


Check out the Fresh Start Program where we work together over 6 months to give your life and business a Fresh Start!

Sound like a fit?

All the juicy details.