Tips For Creating Your Email Opt-In!

Want to start using LinkedIn but don't want to create more content?

LinkedIn is a poppin platform for industry professionals! If your ideal client is hanging out there you might want to take all these valuable Instagram captions and repurpose them to LinkedIn. 

Below I am sharing see 3 tips that will save you time and easily turn your Instagram captions into LinkedIn posts!

how to create content for your email opt-in so you can grow your email list

I know opt-ins are important, but why?

An email opt-in is something you use to get people on your email list. Some people call it a Freebie, or a free download. They are used to entice your audience to give you their email address in return for that freebie. In a world where social media is so front and center, most people put all their eggs in that one basket, forgetting that they do not own that audience. It is crucial to own your audience. Plus emails are a direct link to their inbox, that means the chances of your content getting seen will be dramatically increased!

Besides the fact that emails are a great way to get your message in front of your customers and audience, you want people on your email list so that you can build a closer relationship with them. This is a great place to really talk one on one with them in a storytelling way. You can provide value, and in turn build trust with them so they turn into life long fans of you and your business.

So how do you figure out what your freebie should be to turn those followers into raving lifelong fans and say YES to joining your email list? Give them something to trade for it. Now most people overthink this step to death, they think it has to be this crazy long intense thing, it doesn’t! It can be something simple that gets them a quick win, solves a pain point, entertains them, a how-to or even a discount code to something you offer. The best way to know what works, is to get started and test what works!

Here are some ways I have found that help me when I am searching for a new Opt-in or freebie for my audience!

  1. Go into your Instagram or social media analytics and see what type of content has the most saves or engagement. This is a great way to see what your audience is finding valuable, what they are sharing with their friends, and what they want more of!

  2. Think about your messages, DM’s. If you see a pattern in questions that might make a good freebie. People always ask questions, especially in the DM’s, take advantage of those questions and use them as data. Do you see a pattern with people asking you how to do something? Do you get a lot of messages saying thank you after you share a quick behind-the-scenes video of your systems? Those are good ways to get inspiration!

  3. A discount code or bonus offer, could be great for product-based businesses or service-based businesses. You can even offer free shipping in exchange for their email address. Think of ways you shop and what makes you want to leave your email address to a business.

  4. You could easily ask your audience. Don’t be afraid to use your audience’s input when it comes to creating your Opt-in. Your audience obviously likes what you have to offer and will most likely be one of your customers, take their input and use it to your advantage!

Need help creating your Opt-In? At Fresh Life Marketing I take all of your content, call to action, and goals into consideration and make an Opt-In that is beautifully designed in your branding complete with valuable content for your audience! Reach out, and let’s get started today!


Three Signs It’s Time For You To Hand Off Your Content!


How To Repurpose An Instagram Post Into A LinkedIn Post.